Giving you the ease of lifting, dropping, shifting and even pushing, the Hydraulic Cylinders help in the easy flow of your work, helping you to be efficient and also save money & time together. There are two types of hydraulic cylinders you can buy, Single Acting and Double Acting Type.
A micro finish better than 0.02ra in H8 tolerance with seamless steel honed barrels is offered under this category. It provides long piston with a durability factor till the cylinder lasts. The barrel may have a material as ST52.3, EN8 or as required by the buyer. CK-45 Steel material piston rod with high strength and hard chrome plating which is grinded to ensure anti-corrosion and maximum seal life is offered by our organization.
Type of Hydraulic cylinders that we offer:
Single Acting
Double Acting
Welded type
Telescopic Cylinders
Heavy Duty Cylinders
Due to following benefits of products, our organization has become most popular Hydraulic Cylinder.
Costs effective
Safety usage
Huge density of power transition
Designed in Compact size
It requires less maintenance
Pressure- up to 350 Bar
Stroke- up to 8 meter
Honed Tube: All the tubes are micro honed for superior surface finish with Ra value less than 0.3 microns.
Piston rod: En 8 to En 353 is ground and hard chrome plated with 25 microns minimum plating thickness.
Cylinders operable for pressure range 160, 210 & 350 kg/cm in the following types:
Tie Rod Construction Cylinders
Welded Cylinders Compact Cylinders
Clamping Cylinders
Ram Type Cylinders
Tandem Type Cylinders
Clevis Mounting Cylinders
Block Type Cylinders
Threaded body cylinders
Compact cylinders
Construction devices, engineering vehicles, road construction, mining etc